20 Oct How To Help A Friend Or Family Member with Alcohol Rehab in Utah
Alcoholism Can Be Overwhelming, but Alcohol Rehab in Utah Can Help!
There are many programs for alcohol rehab in Utah, and there are several things you can do to guide your loved one to the help they need.
Addiction occurs when an individual can’t control their use or craving for alcohol. Their addictions become so strong that they continue to drink even though they understand the negative effects their alcohol use has on their life. There are many different reasons for alcohol abuse. In many cases, people suffer from a genetic disposition to addiction. Whatever the reason is for the alcoholic, it is important to get our loved ones the help they need.
Trying to help an alcoholic friend or family member can be both frustrating and heartbreaking. As much as you’d like to make them check into alcohol rehab in Utah, it’s never that easy. Trying to help an alcoholic get the help they need takes some tact and finesse, and there are a lot of ways convincing someone to get help can go wrong.
If you ever find yourself talking to an alcoholic with the intention of getting them to seek out alcohol rehab in Utah, here some approaches to avoid and the things you can do to help your loved one through recovery.
Keep Realistic Expectations
If you have a member of your family or a friend who is an alcoholic, you know that helping them can be difficult. Here are some things to remember so that you can keep the situation in good perspective.
Don’t Expect Immediate Results
You can never really convince someone to check into alcohol rehab in Utah or anywhere else simply by asking them. At least, you can’t expect those results right away. For many alcoholics, the desire to drink is a lot stronger than the desire to quit, especially if they’ve never tried to go sober before. Simply demanding someone to quit any addiction is stressful, demoralizing and overwhelming for that person. They will hopefully reach the point where they will get the help they need, but it takes time, encouragement, and self-understanding to get there. If you ever need help talking to your loved one, Lion’s Gate Recovery is always available. Call us anytime.
Don’t Choose a 30-Day Program If There are Other Options
The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends at least three months of treatment for drug and alcohol addicts. Alcoholism is a complicated condition with several underlying problems, and it takes time to rebuild a life that has been affected by it. Someone may be able to achieve sobriety within 30 days, but making sure they stay sober and they address the reasons for their addiction almost always takes months of hard work.
Don’t Put Yourself In Danger
While it is very important that you stand by and support any alcoholic loved one, you shouldn’t have to put yourself into a position where you could be vulnerable to abuse. If you don’t feel safe with your alcoholic friend or family member, there is no shame in asking for help from your loved ones, counselors or law enforcement. Calling the police or moving out of your home may seem like a betrayal, but you can’t help anybody if you are seriously hurt or worse.
Don’t Take Anything Personally
It’s very possible that your alcoholic loved one could try to quit drinking only to start again a week or two later. This can be very hurtful, but you cannot take their relapse personally. As we said before, the desire for an alcoholic to drink is almost indescribably strong, perhaps stronger than any promises they may have made. The best thing is to have realistic expectations that this is often part of the recovery process. It often takes a lot of time and a few failed attempts before your loved one can truly be sober.
Don’t Lend Money to an Alcoholic
No matter how much your alcoholic loved one says they need it, do not lend them any money. It might be unfair to assume that they will use any money you give them to buy more alcohol, but you need to consider a worst-case scenario if you truly want to be of help. The only time you should ever give an alcoholic money is to help them pay for a hospital stay or a life-saving medical procedure. Any other situation will just make you an enabler.
Don’t Assume that Rehab Solves Everything
Checking into an alcohol rehab program is a crucial first step for any alcoholic who wishes to be sober, but it is only the first step. Many people who have never gone through rehab or have never seen anybody go through it assume that it cures addicts forever, but there are always other issues at play. There are the underlying issues that drove someone to become an addict in the first place, there are the many life problems that were caused by the addiction itself and there are damaged or ruined relationships that need to be mended. All of this takes time, sometimes years. Anybody who completes a rehab program should be very proud of themselves, but they still have a long road ahead of them before they can truly be “cured.”
After your loved one agrees to get help and enters a therapeutic program, you can assist them in other ways.
Here are some things you can do to support your loved one during recovery:
- Medication – in many cases medication can be prescribed. At addiction treatment centers you can get help from health care experts. Doctors will provide options for alcohol treatment. There are also detoxification programs that use certain medications which are effective in treatment at alleviating some symptoms of withdrawal. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medication.
- Build support – Addiction is a family disease. Alcoholics need support while they are in treatment. Family members or friends should show support and encouragement during treatment. If there is proper family support they will be more likely to complete treatment. Talk with them about your concerns for their well-being. Show that you are willing to help them through the process. Make sure they know that they are not alone.
- Follow the treatment plan – The counseling service or rehab facility will provide your loved one with a customized treatment plan. Generally, this involves family participation. Make sure to do your part and follow the plan. Even if this requires you to not have contact with them while they are in treatment.
- Educate yourself – There are so many different sources available that provide important information about alcoholism. Seek out these sources. Find support groups for yourself. Once you have learned things that have helped you or an alcoholic friend or family member, make sure to help educate others.
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