Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help

Lion’s Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George

At Lion’s Gate Recovery, we want to make sure that the recovery experience is a lifelong achievement. We encourage all of our alumni to stay involved and continue to be part of our Lion’s Gate Recovery Family. We also encourage all of our Alumni to get involved and help others through their drug rehab in St. George. Occasionally we offer fun opportunities to volunteer and serve. Also, if you have any questions about your recovery, please know that we are here to help.

Alumni Day

Each year Lion’s Gate holds an annual “Alumni Day” where former residents can get a chance to meet other alumni and celebrate recovery. There will be fun, food, and games. For more information about Alumni Day please feel free to contact us.

A Healthy Support System Makes Life Easier

We have more than 25 years experience assisting people with drug rehab in St. George. We know how important supportive relationships are for recovery. A healthy support system goes a long way to providing people with additional strength to fight their addictions and find the real causes for their addictions. After years of research, many experts have concluded that detoxing is only a small part in the rehabilitation process. Whether you or someone you know is working through recovery, working to find and create supportive relationships can make all the difference.


Many addicts beat their drug habits by enlisting the help of professional rehab facilities such as Lion’s Gate Recovery drug rehab in St. George. Services can be inpatient or outpatient or a combination of the two types. Inpatient services are often recommended for those who have been fighting their addiction for years and can benefit from a stay in a facility to break the addiction cycle.


Rehab is all about determining the reasons behind the addiction. Most rehab sessions start with individual therapy, which may include learning about the addiction. It may also focus on making positive lifestyle changes. In addition, patients may undergo family and group therapy.


The recovery process can vary greatly between individuals. However, the most successful recoveries are those where people receive care, support, and understanding from relationships. In addition, to reduce the chances of regressing back to drugs, some patients will continue with group therapy or attend individual therapy sessions where they continue to receive needed support.

Why Supportive Relationships Are Important for Recovery

People make decisions all the time, but when you think about it, some of your most important decisions are made with input from your close friends, doctors or family members. All these healthy relationships become your strong support system, which helps you to make decisions, avoid mistakes and reduce stress.


However, addicts often become so consumed with their drugs that they turn away from friends and family or fail at close relationships. This frequently results in no support systems at all or very little. In other situations, addicts may have a support system, but it’s comprised of friends who are equally addicted.


Consequently, once an addict gets through detox, they are frequently alone, have no friends and are very vulnerable to relapsing or returning to drugs. Supportive relationships consisting of family, friends and doctors during the recovery period can help recovering addicts with a number of situations. Below are some of the ways that healthy relationships will support recovery.

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help Choosing Friends Recovery Testimonials

Dealing With Problems and Challenges


Trying to handle new challenges or working out a problem can be difficult for most people. However, when you are fighting addiction, it is even more important to have someone to turn to when you need help. A friend or a co-worker can easily help to provide the emotional support needed to resolve problems and reduce anxiety and stress.

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help Choosing Friends

Friends and Your Family Keep You Clean


Recovery is often difficult, and it can be easy to slide back into old patterns of behavior that may have caused your addiction to start with. Family members or a close friend may spot the subtle signs of regression and help you to stay on track and focused.

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help Choosing Friends

Support for Social Engagements


There are numerous reasons why people begin using drugs, but many start because they feel inadequate and don’t have the skills to handle themselves in social situations. Having a friend to attend various social settings with them often helps to make them fit in, feel less awkward and reduce their stress levels.

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help Encouraging Relationships Friends Embracing

Positive Feedback


Struggling to get off drugs or alcohol can be a long process with good times and bad. Often times, the best support a recovering addict can receive is a hug and approval from friends or a family member. They need to hear that they are making progress and have hope for the future.

Lions Gate Recovery Alumni from Drug Rehab in St. George Utah for Drug addiction and Alcoholics Support Group Therapy Ask for Help Encouraging Relationships

Encouraging Relationships


During the recovery period, it is important to help recovering addicts to regain their self-esteem and confidence, which are usually lacking after doing drugs. Reaching out the hand of friendship and showing that you care and enjoy their friendship can make a huge difference to recovering addicts.

How to Create Supportive Relationships

Undoubtedly, one of the smartest ways to succeed at recovery is by developing the right kind of supportive relationships. People in recovery need to make sure they are surrounded by positive, strong people to provide support when they become over-confident, complacent, discouraged or simply lose their motivation. To create a strong support system, consider trying these approaches:

Ask For Help

Struggling on your own to get off drugs can be an uphill battle. The first thing you should know about kicking the habit is that there is help out there. You don’t have to do it alone. Our drug rehab in St. George is always ready to assist you with counseling and recovery options. Some people may also benefit from contacting a spiritual advisor or a therapist to understand motivations for taking drugs and how to get off them. At Lion’s Gate Recovery, we offer several options for spiritual support if that is the direction that feels right to you.

Choose Relationships Carefully

As an addict, you may have had unhealthy support systems that helped to enable your addiction. Now that you’re changing your behaviors, it’s important that you choose compassionate and honest support groups and other people to help you on the recovery journey.


Make sure the people you choose to socialize with during your recovery aren’t involved in alcohol, drugs, gambling or other activities that could drag you back into addiction.

Choose friends with a supportive attitude and ones that lead a normal or balanced lifestyle, which sets a good example for you.


Look for new friends that have a positive outlook on life. You don’t need to be around someone who is depressive or negative.


Joining a recovery support group where you’ll meet recovering addicts lets you meet people with similar problems who have effectively coped with problems associated with rehabilitation. You can gain hope and strength from peers that have already gone through the process.


Have patience. Making new friends or finding support groups that work for you can take time. Often, finding new friends may require you to make changes to your lifestyle, habits and attitudes that make friendship possible.


It’s usually best to avoid romantic relationships during the first year after recovering from drugs. Recovering addicts don’t need the added burden of dealing with emotional relationships, which could add further complications to their lives while recovering.

With the proper motivation and support, you can recover from your addiction. Understanding the necessity for developing supportive relationships and how to go about finding them, can make a huge difference in your recovery process for drug addiction.